Thursday, 19 November 2015

by the way(side)...

Predictably, intended goal earlier in the year of doing at least a post a month on this blog has fallen pathetically by the wayside in relation to a multitude of other life-related activities. Still, a couple of conspiracy-related engagements to file away here:

Reworked earlier burblings on the conspiracy theories surrounding the films of Stanley Kubrick into an article which I submitted to the legendary UK chronicle of the weird, the Fortean Times. Editor David Sutton not only liked the article enough to publish it, he also made it the cover story. Thanks Dave.

Dr Matthew Dentith did his PhD on 'the philosophy of conspiracy theory' through the Philosophy Department at the University of Auckland, around about the same time I was doing mine on 'conspiracy theories and the internet' in the Media Studies department at the University of Waikato.
He has subsequently been very onto it, having had his thesis published as a book, and maintaining an excellent blog on conspiracy theories, which has recently branched out into podcast interviews and discussions on conspiracy-related topics. 

Back in August I was invited to be guest speaker for one of these podcasts (undertaken by Matthew and co-host Josh), talking about the occult conspiracy theories linking Aleister Crowley and UFOs that have risen to visibility over the last several years.
Thanks for the opportunity Matthew.